Pain Management

The process of providing medical care that alleviates or reduces pain. Pain management is an extremely important part of health care, as patients forced to remain in severe pain often become agitated and/or depressed and have poorer treatment outcomes. A pain management program is a customizable program used to identify the cause of a person’s pain, reduce the pain as much as possible and prevent the pain from coming back. Develop a pain management program with a chiropractor, massage therapist, and dietitian using advice from a wellness consultant in this free video on pain management.
Steroid Injections
There are several types of steroid injections performed at INDIAN RIVER RADIOLOGY. These are normally done for pain management and are considered a treatment procedure. The following are the most commonly requested injection procedures; Epidural Steroid Injection (cervical, lumbar or thoracic spine), Facet Injection (cervical, lumbar or thoracic spine), Coccygeal Injection, Sacroiliac Injection, Hardware Injection and Intradiscal Steroid Injection (cervical, lumbar or thoracic spine). LEARN MORE
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